Exhilarating Aloe Facial
Our endermic Exhilarating Aloe Facial is so unique and pure it’s fresh-mixed for each facial application. Forever Living Products Exhilarating Aloe Facial benefits every skin type, diminishes the appearance of fine lines and superficial wrinkles and helps restore skin to a healthier-looking appearance. The Aloe Facial provides deep, thorough cleansing, toning and subcutaneous moisturization.
This Exhilarating Aloe Facial consists of a mixture of pure Aloe Activator (a dermal conditioning solution) blended in a 1 to 1 ratio with our exclusive facial Contour Mask Powder (made with premium ingredients) to provide a thin solution of lotion consistency to be applied as a mask. Skin tissue is exfoliated by the mask. Old dead skin cells are removed and young new cells give a fresh, vibrant and more luminous look to the skin.
Mode of Action:
Provides cleansing of the pores, toning and moisturization.
Essential Ingredients:
Aloe Activator
Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Allantoin.
Facial Contour Mask Powder
Whole Egg Albumen, Allantoin, Kaolin, Chamomile.
Method of Use:
Combine Aloe Activator with Facial Contour Mask Powder on a 1 t 1 basis until a homogeneous mixture results. Apply 2 or 3 times weekly as directed.
Aloe Activator
This dermal conditioning solution is made from natural, stabilized Aloe Vera. It provides humectants to help maintain that “flower of youth”. The mineral content is helpful to the proper functioning of your skin because of cell membrane transfer of water, essential for each cell’s metabolic process. Gives your skin an Aloe bath.
>>More about Aloe Activator
Facial Contour Mask Powder
Compounded from the finest natural-base ingredients, this gentle all-purpose, nonirritating powder contains whole egg albumen and kaolin blended scientifically to give the perfect tightness and pull when mixed with the Aloe Activator. This natural lift powder provides conditioning from one of nature’s finest herbs, chamomile.
>>More about Mask Powder